Sunday, August 17, 2008

First post, dang.

I'm doing this blog for a few reasons, and why not let the loyal reader, you, know why. Full disclosure and the like:

• This is a good way to keep my friends, co-workers, and colleagues informed both on both my current projects and stuff on the horizon.
• I figure it would be a good platform to announce parties and stuff going around Kent.
• Keeping in touch with my family is always good.
• Finally, annoying my girlfriend and giving the world a view a look into my holier-than-thou attitude should get me in some sort of trouble.

Here's to keeping up on this dang thing.


Kristin said...

lo, and behold. a comment by... ya, you guessed it (or not)..., the ma ma! i have been keeping up on your blog, and am quite impressed. i do want to acknowledge the mention of the family. i think that is oh so cool too. it is late for me (12:30pm) cause i have to get lil man up for school at 7:00 so i am keeping it short. plus, i do not necessarily know how to post this comment or if you will get it. glad to see that you are exercising and cleaning! impressive! oh, and thanks for taking joey to ray's. he is oh so pumped up! love ya, and peace! mom, aka, mama P!oh, and i am sending it via kri, cause i have to get a gmail.

Anonymous said...

Are you happy now i left you a comment? i want to go to ray's again soon. HEHEHEHE i just watched "Hello my future girlfriend"