Thursday, January 8, 2009


Ray's was a pretty good time. Fuzz won the high bunnyhop contest at 40 inches. My rusty self got out on 36 inches. Embarrassing.

Two Pictures: A poorly timed cancan and flip that around and you've got a nacnac. Who would have thunk that wearing all black leads to a crappy autoexposure. Oh well.


This weather has been a killer as far as me actually doing any bikin' which sucks. I've been trying to figure out what rides and races I'm going to do, but I don't know if I can take this seriously enough to actually train or whatever, so we'll see if it actually happens. I'd like to try an endurance MTB event, so maybe the Mohican 100k may be a good start. I just sort of googled some training plans, and they look all right, excluding lifting weights. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bull **** u didn't get out on 36 inches you couldn't even jump a foot stop lying