Thanks to Kevin and all the fine gents at Chagrin River Cycling for putting on a well run race.
The course was very much different. Not saying that in a bad way by any means. There was supposed to be a deadly climb / run-up and then an equally deadly descent, but I think too many people were scared and / or bitch and moaned until it was changed.
Instead we had a super technical course full of a million twists and turns. Some greasy double track and a little gravel added a bit of power areas to the course. It was unusual, but I think that's what made it very very fun.
I finally got a skinsuit, so I'm an official cyclocross dude now. I had to prove myself and show that my gut was really just belly breathing.
The lemans start was sano. Elbows were flying people tripping over each other, the whole nine yards. Some dude in town from California asked: "You guys don't start every race this way... do you...?" Welcome to Ohio dude. Jungle cross.
I didn't get a half bad start, which is nuts as I've ran about ten feet total my entire life.
Weeks got off the front, and I played the doting teammate trying to hold the man, the myth, the legend, Paul Martin off as long as I could. I was actually surprised. I was able to duke it out with Paul for probably 6 or so of the 11 laps (a wild guess to make me sound cool and because I was too gassed to see lap cards.)
After he decided he was done playing around, Paul ripped my legs off and moved up to Matt. Time for me to bridge back up.
I worked my ass off getting back up and had the gap down to maybe five seconds when I forgot every bit of techincal ability I had and washed out on a fucking acorn or something. Damnit.
It was going to be tough to move back up and I had Ernie fresh of a 24 hour race and a cross race the day before, on my tail.
Made good progress to move back up, and fell on like the easiest part of the day. A 2 mph little tight chicane thing. I think was just so gassed that my center of balance got goofy and I just fell. So dumb.
I got back up from that pretty easily and luckily was able to fight Ernie off for third place.
Third behind Paul and Weeks is first in my book. I'll take it.
New Radio Show!
5 years ago
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