Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bike Polo?!?!?!

I saw a few fliers posted up around campus the last couple of weeks about a bike polo game. I didn't know who was putting it on, so I was a bit skeptical.

That being said, I headed to check it out today. I browsed the parts bin for stuff to throw on my long-dissassembled monocog, and came up with this:


Color me wrong, it was super super fun. I guess organizing the game was some sort of class project for some Park Management majors or something. Long confusing story that I wasn't paying attention to.

We're doing weekly polo now in Kent to coincide with Professor's Pub Tuesday bike nights. So if anyone is interested in playing some polo and going to get $1 PBRs after, drop me a line. Goldsprints may happen soon. We'll see if I can figure out the logistics of it.

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